Club Penguin
Club Penguin was an MMO published by Disney where you played as a penguin. You could dress up, play minigames, learn Card-Jitsu,
decorate your igloo, and more! After shutting down Disney made Club Penguin Island
which also didn't take long before it closed down. You can find apks of Club Penguin Island online but it turns it so into a solo game.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Feral was an open-world, virtual, multi-player game created by WildWorks about a reality show for mythological creatures. In this game, players were able to create their own fantasy animals and complete Quests, play Minigames, explore Realms, and much more.
The game ended up being shut down because WildWorks decided to start meddling with NFTs and make an NFT based game called Cinder. From what I've heard and seen that doesn't seem to be happening anymore.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
(Early 2000s)
BunnyTown was a children's puppet television series by Disney. Though there was also a browser game under the same name.
I personally never saw the tv show or ever knew it existed but I played the game. You could dress up your bunny and play Minigames
to earn carrots to buy new clothes and such.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Superpoke Pets
Superpoke pets was a game where you adopted an animal and took care of it. It was very simple in the care
of the pet. You could also decorate the habitat it was in. Superpoke pets went down due to Google shutting it down.
(Created Sometime After 2012)
Bitty pets is highly similar to superpoke pets. I believe it was created as a remake to replace what was now gone.
I don't remember why it closed down exactly and not having much luck except their kickstarter page was last updated in 2013.
Fantage was a MMORPG involving a virtual world containing a range of online games and activities, developed by Fantage Inc. The game featured a customizable cartoon avatar, called a "Fantagian", that users can customize with items ranging from hair to clothing and accessories.
Sadly it seems we'll never see a rewritten game unless the original creators decide to because they threatened a lawsuit.
School of Dragons
This wasn't a browser game but I still absolutely loved this. School of Dragons was a virtual MMORPG game produced by
JumpStart Games based on DreamWorks' hit movies How to Train Your Dragon and How to Train Your Dragon 2. School of Dragons
holds a world full of creativity and exploration packed with bountiful Quests and adventures that enable players to
raise, bond with, and train their dragons.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Was a Free-to-play virtual pet game - Build unique mechanical pets. Explore and battle alongside your
pets against monsters and other players in turn-based strategy. I personally never played this but it sounds
a lot like Pokemon. It also doesn't seem like the game got very far in developement.
Happy Pets
(Early 2010s?)
There isn't much info to find on this game anymore because it was specifically tied to facebook. You can scroll through
their facebook group to see images from the game. It was another
pet collector, decorate your room kind of game but you could also bring one of your pets to the park and see other's pets.
EekoCreature was a game where let you create your own creature, choose its habitat, and watch it interact
with other people's creatures. The game shut down due to Adobe Player's expiration.
EekoCreature was a game where let you create your own creature, choose its habitat, and watch it interact
with other people's creatures. The game shut down due to Adobe Player's expiration.
Free Realms
Free Realms was a massively multiplayer online (MMO) role playing video game developed by Sony Online Entertainment
that was set in a fantasy-themed world named Sacred Grove. Players are able to choose from Jobs (classes) such as
Adventurer, Ninja, Postman, Medic, Archer, and switch on the fly without creating a new character. The game also seemed to be
focused heavily on social gameplay regardless of class or level.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
FusionFall was an MMORPG that revolved around an alien invasion of the Cartoon Network universe. Cartoon Network's most iconic
characters teamed up to repel Lord Fuse, an intergalactic conquer, and his army of Fusions. Players joined the
resistance and were able to battle against the invaders with the use of unique weapons and Nanos, which were
collectible, miniaturized versions of Cartoon Network characters with specialized abilities.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Kung Fu Panda World
Kung Fu Panda World was a browser-based video game. The game was themed after the Kung Fu Panda franchise of
DreamWorks Animation, where players could move their character around a 2D world and play a variety of mini-games.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Littlest Pet Shop Online
I'm mad I didn't know this existed. >:(
Edit: I found a remake!!
Littlest Pet Shop Online was an online multiplayer game that allowed players to customize their own pet,
play games, and talk with friends.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Moshi Monsters
Moshi Monsters was an online game whose initial aim was that one could adopt, care and nurture for their very
own monster in a virtual world of Moshi Monsters, made by Mind Candy.
Magi-Nation: Battle for the Moonlands
Magi-Nation: Battle for the Moonlands consisted of building a character native to one of four Moonlands: Arderial,
Naroom, Orothe, or the Underneath. The game featured three modes of play that must be completed in order to obtain
Shadow Relics. The player could also enter a battle by walking into a spark of dream mist, or by talking to a
hostile Magi.
McWorld was an interactive "virtual world" website launched by McDonald's in 2008 on, and aimed at
children. Visitors to the website could play games, go on quests, earn points and buy accessories for their
treehouses and avatars (called "mPals").
ourWorld was an online virtual world with a range of casual gaming activities.[1] Each player had an
avatar and a condo which could be decorated. Players could also talk to each other, request friendship, gift
items, create groups, send and receive mail, participate in contests and give "hearts".
PetPet Park
PetPet Park game featured a virtual world focused on Neopets' companions, Petpets: there were nine species in Petpet Park
to choose from. Once chosen, users could help train them through games, activities and challenges and customise them
and take them out to explore the park and meet friends.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
This one is a bit funny for me to think about. When you loaded the game at the bottom would be an invite your friends link
this link also worked to give your friends a 7 day free trial if they already had an account and you sent it by email. What's
funny is you could use the codes on your own account so I basically had infinite membership for awhile until they removed
the feature all together. Herotopia was more of a childrens MMORPG with simple puzzles. You played as a super hero that you could dress-up
and had a secret base you could decorate. You went on quests, if you had membership, and solved puzzles/played minigames.
Novilar was a virtual pet RPG. Choose your profession, go on adventures, and unlock the secrets of your new home
alongside unique animal companions. Players could create a unique Human Avatar and collect highly customizable
animal companions to help you journey through the colorful online world.
Squiby was an adoptable site focused on the artists. You could upload and create your own adoptables, and distribute
them to your friends! They also offered an extensive amount of customization.
Shidonni was a well-known virtual world game that allowed players to design their own pet/creature and take care of it.
They were also a plush-based company and had made plushies that were submitted by users.
BigLittleBang / Star 86
STAR86 was a 3D MMO virtual playground that allowed users to create music together, across the Internet. At the time the
game was playable parents felt STAR86 was a safe, supervised environment that promotes creativity and collaboration through
Pet Society
Pet society was a facebook game where players could design their pets by choosing genders, names, colors and altering
appearances. The user interacted with their pets through washing, brushing, petting and feeding. Players' pets could
interact with each other within the "friend" network. Pets could visit the pets of their owner's friends and perform
activities with these pets (washing, grooming, feeding, etc.) A pet could visit other pets as many times a day as it
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Toontown was a massively multiplayer online game built for kids, teens, and adults of all ages. Players created their
own Toon and joined the never-ending battle against the "Cogs", who wanted to turn Toontown into their latest business
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
The Legend of Pirates Online
Pirates of the Caribbean Online was a 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing video game based on the Pirates of
the Caribbean franchise. The game featured prominent characters from the films such as Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa,
Joshamee Gibbs, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Swann.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Virtual Magic Kingdom
Virtual Magic Kingdom consisted of "Disney Lands", each depicted in isometric projection, and each with a distinct theme.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Not 100% sure about the dates on this one but this seems about right? Anyways Zula World was an online
virtual world where you can create your own alien avatar, fly your own spaceship, join friends on missions in outer
space, build pirate robots, capture villains, race friends in Bumper Ships on Saturn's rings, and own a pet Fweeeb.
Sadly it seems the game never really gained any traction because any time I was online the servers and ingame areas
were basically empty. The game was made tied to a tv show called The Zula Patrol that I watched as a kid.
Here is the summary of the show from imdb!
"A band of aliens explores the galaxy getting into and out of trouble in a series of adventures designed to teach young viewers
the basics of science and astronomy, as well as life lessons in tolerance and conflict resolution. Bula, Zeeter and
the rest of the Zula gang work to make the Galaxy a better place to live. Their efforts are opposed by the villainous
Dark Truder and Deliria."
(Late 2000s or Early 2010s-2014)
Pet Party was an online browser-based game created by Plinga co. and Magnetjoy. It took place in a small world called
party town, where pets lived and went about their daily lives. Pets were the main aspect of pet Party. They are the character
that you take care of, dress up and interact with, as well as the pets of others. Each pet also had their own home.
Order of the Griffin
(2008 - Sometime between 2013-2015)
Order of the griffin was an 'early internet' web game, featuring griffins. The game focused on breeding, caring for, and collecting these creatures, complete with its own complex genetic system.
Pony Valley/Poney Vallèe
(2006? - 2020, When Adobe Flash Ended)
Poney Valley was a game where you could adopt your own pony and dress them up with thousands of various accessories.
There were also contests, tournaments and many other things to do.
Littlest Pet Shop: VIPs World
(2007 - 2010)
In the VIPs World game, players could purchase and register multiple pets for their account. Every pet had their own room within the player's house, and could be dressed up, fed, and walked around to explore the online world. Full access to the site lasted for one year after the last VIPs pet registered; upon expiration, one would need to purchase a new plush toy and redeem its code.
Although multiplayer interaction was very limited, players could also visit their friend's pets if they were registered into their friends list.
Bella Sara
Bella Sara is currently a mobile app with physical trading cards. The mobile app isn't much of a game and is more so
meant for positive affirmations. Previously there was a site that was also a game where you took care of your horses.
Some of these trading cards came with codes that could also be entered into the site for special horses for you to take
care of. You can find old screenshots from the game on fandom wiki.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Starbits pets was a site for community where you can adopt a pet, feed it, read books, play games, win contests, and more.
It can still be found on the wayback machine and you can
see to a degree how the site had expanded throughout the years. It from looking like a smaller indie pet site to something bigger before eventually
dying out in 2011. The remake below was supposed to be a revival some time in 2012 and it seems like one could still sign up and play it but I haven't
personally tried and it doesn't seem to have as much activity anymore with it's playerbase.
Remake(s) / Revival(s)
Happy Pets
In Happy Pets players adopted, raised and bred animals both domestic and wild. The player could also decorate indoor and outdoor spaces for their animals while unlocking more rooms and animals by leveling up. XP was earned by feeding, petting and playing with animals.